Brian’s Key Qualifications:
Experience: Almost 25 years as an Executive Business Coach.
Client Industries: All industries.
Levels of Service: Senior management levels.
Expertise: Executive leadership assessment and development, executive and high-potential coaching, partnering and team building, and emotional intelligence.
Coaching Style: I help leaders gain a better understanding of their leadership developmental needs and then I develop performance- focused and business relevant leadership goals and action plans.
Brian Bienn received his undergraduate degree in psychology from Louisiana State University, and returned to LSU for graduate study, earning a doctorate in industrial/organizational psychology – with a minor in clinical psychology. Dr. Bienn has been practicing for 24 years, working with a wide array of businesses. His areas of expertise include executive leadership assessment and development, executive and high-potential coaching, partnering and team building, and emotional intelligence.
Dr. Bienn served as a senior consulting psychologist in a regional management psychology firm from 1986-2000. In 2004, he teamed with Dr. David Caruso, a co-author of the only ability test of emotional intelligence (the MSCEIT), to form EI Skills Group (Dr. Bienn currently serves as a strategic partner). He has served as a core member of the Synovus Leadership Institute’s leadership development coaching staff since the leadership program’s inception in 1998.
Dr. Bienn focuses on leadership assessment, development and coaching with executives and high potentials. He works with organizations committed to improving performance and their competitive advantage by emphasizing leadership as a core competency. Through his coaching, leaders more accurately view their own leadership skills as well as the leadership talent and capacity within their team and across the broader organization. Utilizing a range of processes and data (e.g., interview, personality testing, 360° feedback, simulations) he helps leaders more insightfully understand their development needs and then craft robust, performance-focused, business-relevant leadership development goals and action plans. Dr. Bienn also assesses the likely fit and success of external candidates being considered for significant positions within client companies.