Our customized workshops are designed to optimize learning, skill building, and applications back on the job.
We can custom design our sessions to fit and support our clients’ initiatives and requirements. We can also certify others to deliver our workshops to build internal capabilities.
This workshop utilizes our proven executive coaching and leadership development methodology and applies these best practices to groups of leaders in a workshop setting. Participants will:
- Better understand how their key stakeholders perceive their leadership skills and qualities.
- Identify their strengths and their most significant development needs that will positively impact their leadership effectiveness.
- Create their specific improvement goals. They also complete their individual strategic plans that are used to guide their on-going leadership development throughout the year. This includes learning to better leverage their strengths for improved performance and promotability.
- Learn to establish and utilize a development support network on the job.
- Receive tools, reference materials, and leadership development feedback recommendations in addition to their survey feedback.
We provide follow-up group and individual executive coaching to assist participants in making lasting leadership behavioral improvements.
Executive Failure
Learn tips and strategies for eliminating
derailing behaviors holding you back.
Participants are introduced to the MBTI theory and applications. We use role-plays, scenarios, gain an understanding of the qualities of leadership and their leadership style and how this impacts others. Participants will:
- Gain a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses based on their personality preferences.
- Learn to interact more effectively with direct reports and co-workers who have different types and personality preferences.
- Learn how to become more effective leaders in communications, problem solving and decision making, conflict resolution, and change management.
Reveal the hidden strengths in your top talent.
Request a quote for leadership assessments to learn more.
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Using the methodology from Patrick Lencioni’s best seller, “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team,” we help teams assess their levels of Trust, Constructive Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results relative to national norms. We design a customized series of team building activities that help teams become a high-functioning team. Team members will:
- Identify their team’s strengths and opportunities to improve effectiveness in each element of Lencioni’s framework.
- Disclose and prioritize the gaps between current and future performance goals.
- Develop team member’s actions and commitments for improvements.
- Create a process to continually improve the team’s on-going effectiveness.
Team Assessments
Request a no obligation quote to learn how
CPS can transform your team from ordinary to extraordinary.
We design a hands-on workshop for management and team leaders who are responsible for the integration of new businesses into the existing enterprise. This workshop helps the integration team develop their 100-day strategic action plans. Participants will:
- Establish the M&A goals and measures of success.
- Pinpoint the M&A “must haves” and sacred cows for incorporation into the merger plans.
- Identify their roles and responsibilities in the merger integration process.
- Acquire and apply best practices for effective M&A integrations.
- Learn the psychological, cultural and human dynamics associated with effective mergers.
- Develop an effective 100-day integration plan.
Team Assessments
Request a no obligation quote to learn how
CPS can transform your team from ordinary to extraordinary.
In this workshop, we help companies increase the success rate of implementing changes. We use proven tools, techniques, and practices to help organizations launch effective changes. This is highly interactive and applications are designed to be used back on the job. Participants will:
- Gain an understanding of why most change initiatives fail and how these can be prevented in their own efforts.
- Learn and apply best practices for implementing successful changes.
- Obtain an understanding of the psychological and cultural barriers that thwart change along with proven actions to deal with these in the process.
- Diagnose where they (and their employees) may be in the psychological states of change.
- Develop specific actions for success in their own change initiatives.
Reveal the hidden strengths in your top talent.
Request a quote for leadership assessments to learn more.
We design the performance management process and implement leadership training to ensure effective implementation and execution. This workshop prepares leaders for their role and develops their leadership skills to effectively manage performance. We incorporate our client’s existing process and tools, and design skill practices that help leaders build their performance management skills. Participants will:
- Improve their leadership skills through effectively managing performance throughout the year.
- Learn and implement their responsibilities in the process.
- Enrich their skills in preparing appraisals, establishing SMART goals, holding effective performance appraisal discussions, handling poor performance, and providing on-going feedback and coaching to drive performance.
Improve Leadership
Request an Executive Coaching quote and learn
how CPS can improve leadership performance up to 36%.
We design employee selection processes and provide the management and leadership training necessary to effectively implement them. In this workshop we help managers with developing their talent assessment and evaluation skills. The foundation of this workshop is behaviorally-based interviewing. Participants will:
- Improve their skills in assessing and selecting new hires, or promoting existing talent.
- Identify their critical success factors, design their interviewing questions, and practice interviewing and evaluating others.
- Calibrate evaluation standards in their organization.
- Develop work products used on the job to help with on-going selection and promotion decisions.
A core element of improved leadership qualities and performance is to develop and utilize effective coaching skills. Managers who need to improve in their coaching effectiveness benefit from attending this workshop. We customize the cases and role-playing for clients and they practice developing their coaching and feedback skills so they are more effective on the job. Participants will:
- Learn and apply a proven methodology for improving performance and results with effective coaching.
- Practice using real situations they face on the job.
- Develop insights into how their leadership style impacts their effectiveness in the coaching process and how to improve.
- Become more skilled and confident in employee coaching and development.
In this workshop, we help participants develop their strategic agility skills with a teachable framework and real-life case applications. It helps leaders who are moving from their tactical roles to meet the expectations typically required at the VP level. The highly interactive workshop helps participants develop their own set of actions and questions they can implement back on the job to demonstrate their improved strategic agility. Participants will:
- Learn how they can become more strategic in their day-to-day activities.
- Learn the differences between strategic agility and strategic planning.
- Apply a proven framework for developing strategic agility to their roles.
- Make better plans and decisions by using an approach that helps to ensure longer-term requirements.
- Develop specific actions for success back in their job.
Learn how to have effective performance
appraisals with our Performance
Management Workshop and improve
the performance of your employees.
Learn how CPS can help you improve
employee engagement scores up to
25% with our no obligation quote