Now is the perfect time to create an action plan for developing your leadership skills and effectiveness. While many people may have already given up on their resolutions or goals for the year, great leaders (and people who want to be great leaders) take time to conceive and generate a plan of action to reach their goals during the year. Here are 4 steps to help you get started.


Take time to sit down with key stakeholders, peers, team members and other direct reports to solicit their opinions on what you do well in your position and what you could improve upon. Reassure them that you truly want to improve your performance and their honest feedback is critical for you to understand those areas you can leverage for greater success and focus on the areas to develop. It’s only after you have a clear understanding of how you are perceived in the workplace as well as your strengths and weaknesses that you can begin to take steps to adjust them.


Increase your leadership effectiveness by setting SMART goals. Use the feedback you gathered from your colleagues to identify 2-3 goals you wish to set to improve your performance. Remember that SMART stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-Oriented and Timely. If your goals don’t fulfill all of those criteria, then it will be difficult to achieve success on your goals. If you are unsure what goals to set for yourself, don’t hesitate to seek some ideas from your boss, mentor, team member or peer. Gaining insight through a different perspective will help you as you continue to grow your career in the future.


Be a more successful leader by learning to listen and communicate more clearly and with greater impact. Highly effective leaders improve their relationships at work, increase their followership, and collaborate better with others through clear, concise and inspiring communication. Practice your active listening skills by learning to be present in the moment and then clarify and validate what you hear. You’ll be able to understand the situation better, communicate your concern, and build trust in work relationships.


Ask your leader for additional responsibilities, preferably in a new department or a different function, or ask to lead a new project. Show your employer that you desire to learn and grow as a leader, thus improving your chances of promotion. If you are unable to attain a new project to manage or gain new responsibilities, then consider using a leadership coach to help you develop your plan of action. It truly helps to have a confidential, trusted source who can help guide you in your leadership development and make recommendations to help you achieve success.

Begin this year with the focus, determination, and action necessary to make 2015 the year you thrive, achieve, and succeed in your career.